Config Files
allows you to specific general settings through config files so you do not need to specific always the same command line arguments.
Several commands support passing the --configs
argument which should point to one or more YAML-files on your file system. For example, the text extraction command:
Specifing local paths
In the config files, you can store for example system specific settings like the local paths, where the raw dataset files are located:
# ./examples/llm_datasets_configs/my_system.yaml
redpajama: /my_system_specific_data_directory/redpajama
The RedPajama dataset requires the manual download prior to the text extraction. With the above config, we tell the extraction command the path where we downloaded the RedPajama data by providing the config file:
Dataset selection and sampling
The configuration files are also needed for specifying the final dataset composition, including the selection of the datasets and their sampling. The following examples shows a config for an Italian dataset:
# ./examples/llm_datasets_configs/italian_data.yaml
# a fixed random seed for shuffling etc.
seed: 0
# italian subsets
- itwac
- eurlex_it
- wikipedia_20231101_it
- wikibooks_it
- wikinews_it
- colossal_oscar_2023-23_it
- parlamint_it
# down-sample webcrawled + up-sampled high quality
colossal_oscar: 0.1
itwac: 0.5
eurlex_it: 2
wikipedia_20231101_it: 3
To use this config, provide the path in the --configs